ParentChild+ National Conference

May 1st - 2nd, 2019

101 James Doolittle Boulevard, Uniondale, NY 11553

The ParentChild+ National Center sponsors an Annual Conference which takes place in the spring. The two-day conference features workshops for both site coordinators and early learning specialists, and is designed to provide professional development for ParentChild+ staff. Site coordinators (and, if possible, early learning specialists) are strongly encouraged to attend. Many of the workshops cover topics of interest to anyone working in the early childhood or home visiting field, and is open to all of those who are interested.

2019 Annual Conference Keynote Speakers


Lori Roggman, Ph.D., Professor of Human Development, Utah State University

“Strategies to Promote Resilience: Reflections on Home Visiting”

Dr. Roggman is the lead author of the book, Developmental Parenting, as well as two assessments, the Parenting Interactions with Children Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes (PICCOLO) and the Home Visit Ratings Scales (HOVRS). Her research focuses on how parents can support their children’s early development and how home visiting practices can promote developmental parenting.






Timothy Hathaway, Executive Director, Prevent Abuse New York

Presenting the film: “Resilience: The Biology of Stress and Science of Hope”

At PCANY, Mr. Hathaway focuses on initiatives to enhance programs to build strong families and increase the use of Protective Factors to help prevent child maltreatment. He will be presenting the film “Resilience: The Biology of Stress and Science of Hope” followed by a facilitated discussion. The film, directed by James Redford, chronicles the birth of a new movement to use cutting-edge brain science to disrupt cycles of violence, addiction, and disease. Please click here to watch a trailer for the film.